Teneriffa 06/07
6:15 AM

Little spectacular prelude 2007 on Teneriffa: The statistics of 17 Windsurftagen can to be seen be able, but created it rarely the wind to lure smaller sails and boards auf's water. The weather services constantly promised best conditions, but usually the 5,3er and the Freestyler had on the little hilly Atlantic.
In addition it blew one nearly always ticks too east, the Médano nozzle thereby is repealed set. Turn of the year-caused there was a proper holiday-maker attack on Cabezo.
Also DWC Youngster Vincent of long ones gave itself again times the honour and found perfect conditions for Race training.
At the 11. /12. the wind turned then again times on southeast, which actually mad “haven Tack” - conditions in read America to mean can, but was not fat enough unfortunately the Swell and the wind stood more frequently on “break” than on “Play”.
Other alternatives such as Mountainbiken and wave riding in LA had to hold. The end of the month it became once again correctly interesting: To 27. reached us after 12 weeks Ruhepause serious Tiefdruckgebiet with plentifully rains.

The directly auflandige wind does not come by the powerful luffing back-up of the mountain massif in the back of Médano so correctly into the courses, pushed however one partly over mast-high “North Sea-wave” into the bay.
On afternoon the sky something, the rain got thinner heard on and for one hour went somewhat between the gigantic waving close gene. A handful of Windsurfer fell itself into the tides and got a session, as one can experience it otherwise only on Sylt or Römö.
Our side /sideonshore used local one yokes had to swim several times for a long time its Stuff afterwards, had however again and again luck - the material remained welfare.
Actually the next day should bring back and similar water haven conditions to continuous rains, but instead the wind turned the south Teneriffas on northeast and stormed clear.
Was monster-waves as weggezaubert, but went along it over 40 knots correctly to the thing. 3,7 fit perfectly and after short time was also the usual wind-wave again there.
On it Dany break had waited obviously, after long Windsurfabstinenz (it was only in LA times also thereby) rockte it Cabezo with jumps in the upper floor and showed its new cheats like Tweaked Pushloop and Backside Wave 360er.
To the end of the month there was nice day with Bumb'n'Jump conditions in El Socorro and Güimar with for Médano to northern Briese still another.
February is generally acted here as the best winter month (the statistics of the last years to underline) - schaun' we times whether it can hold, which it promises. Whether' s is correct can it on Andrés Webcam pursue.