Pozo/Gran Canaria report
2:53 AM

Cutre Segelmacher Daniell Bohnhof and Christoph Ulrichs report on pieces of news from the Highwindrevier on the Kanari islands. Wind and wave-rich winters the 06/07 on the Kanaren expanded also since the spring.
March presented itself with hoists, which one knows otherwise actually only from the summer months - paired with large Swells, which reached the bay of Pozo, as well as aroused the adjacent Spots Mosca POINT and Salinas to the life.
Up to mast-high waves again sorted the stones at the beach of Pozo, broke some masts and created in Mosca POINT of perfect down the LINE conditions. These could not be escaped naturally many LOCALs, the Jensen of brothers, Jonas Ceballos, Eleazar Alsonso and the Moreno Twins and like that were accordingly high the level on the water.
Long the Spot showed up half April then from the other side. Mirror-smooth water and total calm air alternated with 5.0er Freestyle conditions.
The Kalima, a desert wind, which blows direct from the Sahara toward Kanaren, brought temperatures of 35 degrees and more with itself, paired with much fine dust in the air, which into each still so small niche set off.
This invited to the Windsurfen into Shorts, although the summer was still some distant for time.
Despite other forecasts the extremely strong wind becomes generally accepted ever more and in such a way brought May already some days for the 3.7er with beautiful waves, which used Pozo' s new generation talent Eleazar Alonso (E-42) to some impressive training units.
Unfortunately these conditions should not persist up to the first Contest of the Canarian Waverider (Secondreefevents.com). Many LOCALs of the other islands had come to Pozo, in order to participate in this very well organized Contest, which takes place in the connection also on Lanzarote, Fuerteventura and Teneriffa. So a result could be brought in only with an one-day extension.
Many drivers had to however already again work, so that only 25 drivers were thereby, from those itself Dario Ojeda as the dailybest interspersed.

Completely according to the rule presented itself Pozo in the days after the Contest with perfect 3.7er conditions, which suggest hopefully a good summer.