El Yaque 2007
3:25 AM

"The lady and gentleman, we wants arrive at our destination Porlamar del Carribe in a few minutes. Please fast your seatbelt!" The announcement of crew Cabin tore me from my dreams. Whether I at last have created it? Whether there was I on removal only a few minutes from Freestyleparadies El Yaque? Quickly I once again tightened my belt of a seat before the car on to the earth softly put on.
At the introduction of a ladder of flight the warm wind blew at once to me on the person. Now I could forget definitively wet-cold weather in Germany.
I should get used only to warm conditions, nevertheless, I have tested just cold North Sea. However, at temperatures nearby 30 °C and to the dark blue sky I knew, why I took long road of East Frizsky islands to absolutely after El Yaque on me.
After I was welcomed in my first evening with a wonderful sunset in El Yaque, affairs went equally next day on water. Though water was really rough, but at temperature 27 °C and 30 °C temperatures of air I very, perhaps, I can not complain.
Impellent level on water in general was very high. It was resulted Gollito, Andre and Antxon which motivated me at once with its way of driving. When I observed a little 15-year-old Locals which learnt only in 3 weeks Moves, for what I required in one year, I definitively understood, why El Yaque crowned to Freestyleparadies.
As not only warm temperatures, but also a constant wind from January till May do it by ideal district of training. And as I had a wind for 5ого sails during my all stay every day, I can confirm only backdating windy statisticans.
After session on surfing which went mostly to a sunset, there was almost every evening an arrival to Happy Hour a bar. Spirits as Choco-Monkey or Caipirinha, were not only are very good, but also were favorable devilishly I always should observe, that I forgot a supper not completely.
As the tourist budget had its borders, quartierte I me at Mike in Elyaquemotion one. It was not only is very inexpensive, but also I am pure also felt made immediately friendly. The big roof-terrace on which we fed us every evening and which was a meeting of all inhabitants is Most especially worthy mentions.
That concerned a night life in El Yaque, I have been adjusted sceptically at first a little. As in Beachbar Gaby's Voodoo a hall the same music, and also Habana club which directly was in Elyaquemotion ran to billiards and Dart almost every evening, should not order much more.
Nevertheless, really good party in style of a reggae with Live music in Gaby's and solemn opening of reconstructed lot Piratas overpersuaded me, then, however. And in the next morning I became angry not too very much, that the wind always increased only at midday in force.
While we moved only in the evening in a bar direction, Margariteneos looked, first of all, on target already by noon sometimes a little too deeply in a glass. The car in the car stood directly on a beach then with rattling basses and passengers used Caipis and local polar beer.
It should be, perhaps, small first representation for Easter Semana Santa if before only dancing human weights some schools of surfing establish its enterprise.
In one week El Yaque it was necessary to change a preview trailer in time. I went on friends to a river mouth which offered absolute shoal, but badly smelt so as strongly foul place, that I pressed down a mouth and a nose before each leaving in despair.
Locals tried to convince me that the stench of seaweed would arrive, however, my stomach proved me some days something other. Though I completely have not been cancelled after these Sessions, nevertheless, I undertook better in search of new places to Freestylen.
I found a true ideal preview trailer then on a few days later in bushes to wood. At bottom of mountain CАН of Juan the huge lake of salty water which has been connected by small waterways with the sea was stretched.

And one of these mouths I pumped out me from squall to the following as dense bushes wood filtered all wind. As soon as I have reached, however, lakes, true Freestyleparadies extends before my eyes.
Türkiesfarbenes And, first of all, neutral under the relation to a smell the water framed bushes and rocks, allowed me and to my friends to true jumps of pleasures to decline. This preview trailer delivered us excellent conditions of training to Freestylen.
The it is more entrusted me a preview trailer and local were, which undersigned for reception of my not too good knowledge of the Spanish language always an affable smile, the put my departure came nearer to me more close. In 3 weeks strongly required material again developed and carried in the cart in an airport direction.
When then the car rose for dark night about Isla de Margarita in a direction of Germany, I rejoiced already to the moment if it is again informed: "Welcome on board on our flight to Porlamar del Caribe...!"