4 weeks Vargas!
3:14 AM

I have created the most difficult task: to Convince my chief, that I require holiday in July of 4 weeks. As it was content since some time with my passion on surfing, he agreed also this time and I could plan - 4 weeks Vargas!
Last year I have spent there 14 days with 2 girlfriends, a combination from a foreign language lesson in first half of day and navigation in second half of day. I wanted it toppen, so I have once again reserved all program: the Small house in the Canary style located in beautiful mountain small town , plus of 4 weeks of a course of the Spanish language.
Accordingly 2,5 ч. Individual training in first half of day and a word study in the evening, meanwhile there was sufficient time for navigation. That I did not clasp my things on surfing at 7 forces of a wind on a roof, I afforded a small minivan in which I was able all simply reinwerfen.
It would clarify in droplet Canaria that are welcomed already at an exit from the pilot of a trade wind... And in 4 weeks of long airing also again accepts!
When I unpacked things on surfing in Vargas in the first morning full inspiration, again cleared up for me, that I was in Spain: Not the person on a beach or on water, simply too early. It is indifferent, all gulf for me. Outflow was on advancement, so excellent conditions as waves become is better then.
Approximately for 1 ч. Before outflow there are from my point of view the finest waves which can be gone round then really well. Training Aerial is optimum possible then. Only if at low level more and more Close raise breaking waves out of a fashion round number in a washing machine, it becomes labour-consuming a little.
After the first session on surfing my level of adrenaline laid down a little, it still threw back all and I had a super great pleasure.
Slowly Locals and some tourists came. Small greetings of a meeting and I felt me again completely is integrated.
If as the girl technically on surfing only on road, is already better it if once one looks after one. Locals, presents Canaries, super are pretty and ready to help - Locals without Localism!
2 especially well went, I could examine Frank and Juan Carlos, at them all program of maneuver and to take away some instructions. Marko Peres trains also almost every day in Vargas. Unfortunately, there were no many girls on water.
The present rare phenomenon is unconditional Nayra Alonso. As Local it went every day tirelessly and trained for competitions. In July it was even 4. In Freestyle on Fuerteventure.
Something in this sort also encouraged me. Not, as I wish to win competitions and as it simply cheerfully to push itself with other girls. Besides, Nayra it is very pretty and at all ambition to it simply notice pleasure in navigation. And, however, it always the most important!
In the end of the second week I have started to practise Backloops - for Frontloop courage still does not satisfy. Uncountable gossips of a back were result. I had a first correct success within last days my stay. At last, completely around, though yet did not admit, but looked already after Backloop.
My teacher of the Spanish language could examine then every morning my new wounds. My thin Shorty was very pleasant on water, but especial protection, just for feet, he does not order.
Dark blue stains and contusions were in the agenda. But if I am fair, only if it is impossible to move in the evening before a loud muscular pain and weakness reasonably there was a super day on surfing more! For not surfer, perhaps, not well.
Waves became all above and the wind again added all corner. With mine 3.5 it I was frequent completely überpowert. The pleasure has it nevertheless still-made, first of all if has not caught one of Shorebreak once. Unfortunately, the mast should trust in it, however, in the rest all remains safe.
Last week on surfing then became again little bit more moderate. Waves any more were not as are high also a wind were more constant.
Balance in 4 weeks Vargas: every day the wind, in 2 days even is too much. Mostly it approached 3.5ому or 4.2ому, only in 2 days I should tighten ' big ' 4.7.

Even last day - shortly before a start - there was still a remarkable session on surfing. Vargas was in any relation again full success: In Spanish qualified, the country and people familiarly and new maneuvers the skilled. All at approximately 27 ° to 30 ° Celsius and the sun.
Next year I come back. It is necessary to hope, some more girls then are more on water.