Canaria Surf Trip grain

As, that from the last sally into Aruba [ Aruba 1 , Aruba 2 ] it passed quite a lot of time, and in Poland a cold started slowly becoming, a plan of the autumn departure arose. We altered conditions and spear-carriers for Tarify, Egypt, Cabo Verde (next trip!) and after all a decision fell down on measuring itself with legendary Pose and pokatowanie of surfing. From the established plan managed to carry out only its second part - blew 2 first days around 14;) but one after the other. Entire organization after with angle of przelotu/hotelu/zarcia and many valuable pieces of information Kamil treated us from to sum up - with the cheapest possible option an allinclusive trip with the take-off resulted from Berlin. There were anxieties of excess baggage as for the amount taken, but a sheet of paper as usual with the inscription: DEFEKT on the scale cheered up and ok 100kg of toys reached without the problem.

Hardware-based once again we got large reinforcements from boys from the Hydrosphere - great thanks! Apart from Exoceta USurf 84L (which Leszek Rutkowski patted Wave Session in in Lebie on;) we got "still warm" Hifly'a MaddWave 83L to 2008r, Aerotecha sails, 2 surfy HiFly 7"2, 7"10 and the entire palette of Infinity accessories. From the moment when we stood up barefooted with foot on GC it is possible to divide the sally in 2 parts:


In spite of 2 days on 4.5, it isn't possible honestly to rank legendary Pose to captured spots. We didn't luck to entering swell, so the wave was poor - the best ~1,5m rollers fit into to very reef, what skonczylo oneself a few classical mielonymi.W every time managed to sail around bothwe have boards and conclusions everyone similar. USurf very much changed in porownianiu to the previous Universal Wave2 model - smaller bending slightly the beak, the wider and cut stern and the narrower beak - had zblizyc I with shape to the surfboard. It is hard to say whether USurf made a profit on it, because he is simply a completely different board... Still enough quickly he is launching, easily he is breaking away from water and he likes rough turns, but deciding differently is being conducted on the tack and an impression of the difficult, radical board is causing wave - heavily powiedziec how will behave on a heavy swell. Certainly wypor the moved to the back and taken in beak will be considerable facilitation for defeating the Baltic breaker. As for Hifly'a MaddWave - we had it emotions mixt up before on it we sailed ourselves - despite everything rather unpopular at us brand as well with the applied Twinser system (two small 18cm fins in the powerbox system). It turns out, around the trend at the part of producers of boards is visible as most justified! The latest model wave'owki Hifly'a very much positively surprised us - the board is very much latwa in the lead, very much the pane on the tack, great is floating sharply to the wind and perfectly he is carving roll-ups... Admittedly he is launching a little more slowly than USurfa, but fun from shaping wave is huge! Be too bad failed to travel around on some bigger rollers in Pose - but most probably a chance will still be an autumn to tests on our coast, because the board is really worth the attention.


Of the third day ktos he turned the wind off and windmills did alloy. Unfortunately we established, that of wind there will be a phote more and from the first days of not a mum of none: (to check Pojechalismy how matters are in Vargas, but according to what we heard from one thing around lokalesow: "Noooooo, Vargas doesn't work in winter";) from different we heard: "don't wait for of lifts, it surf" so a time came on...


In the topic of the surfing landing on GC we knew so much, that Big around well hewed;) generally, what we could hear about the surfing, worked in the 100% - very difficult but after embracing mega play! It was so also with us - after the first days everyone were fed up with brine falling out in the evening with all possible holes, of burning eyes and feeling being defeated by the ocean... One thing is certain - of such washing machines for surfie on the windsurfing not zaliczylem never and nowhere! After these a few days it turned out, that little przesadzilismy around warunami for the beginning. Podsumowujac - into tubes for the beginning we don't recommend 3 one-metre long fast breaking horses!:) particularly when are entertaining sie on them malo of friendship lokalesi;) after doing arrears on the spot for surfing llamas in Maspalomas - we went back to check to Canteras Forest. Everyone did some step forward, everyone oneself incredibly from it cieszyl and everyone knows that it is only a beginning. In relation to boards to surfa, it is only what we can say, it, that pomiedzy a perceptible difference is 7"2 lengths and 7"10 at the research from bases, 7"10 was much stabilniejsza and we recommend particularly persons it for beginners.



Between it everything sneaked a bit tourisms, the thanks for what trafilismy above clouds on the highest peaks of Canarii Parmesans. To drive onto remarkable emotion from the nought on law 2000 of the m, where the temperature is dropping around 26 to 11.5 rank after breaking above clouds. It is worthwhile also losing a little of the time for travelling through tops narrow on one samochod with switchbacks in order to reach to intact turystycznie miejscowosci as San Nicolas, Tejeda, Teror whether polozony on the hillside of the Galdar volcano. Our attention zwrocil rowniez the state and the scale of developing tracks particularly in mountain areas, tunnels, flyovers really are feeling.



To sum up the departure turned out to be more surfing than windsurfing, but fortunately to it we were prepared and everyone caught the considerable pressure for the continuation of this adventure what most probably will follow on Baltyku and next exits. And Pose it is necessary to visit the determination one more time in the height of the season!

2 Responses
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